what's new wednesday?

Margo M.
on 5/6/08 7:51 pm - Elyria, OH
i'm up-where is everybody?
Margo M.
on 5/6/08 8:04 pm - Elyria, OH
wow- it got up in the high 70's yesterday and was gorgeous in ohio! we did get some rain last nite -not a bad thing... michael cut the grass-damn -it cost $18.69 for gas for the mower-something wrong here!! anyhow- he got just about done and the darned belt was breaking again - -so we had major discussion re replacing the mower-can't afford a rider! i would walk behind a mower but he doesn't want me to-or getting Bob to do it again --he did great work last year for $25 a shot but now we have that other small lot to cut- or --well- we got Bob--he only added $2 for the other lot and nothing for the increased price of gas so hey!he does great work and he'll show up on time! with what we just put into the mower-new battery and the issues we had finding a belt and michael's inability to get it installed properly due to his shoulder- well- it was an easy decision for me to hire out but now we are having ego and esteem issues and -i guess he is gonna have to get over it!!!! i can well imagine it is not easy accepting his inabilities however- we cannot dwell- he took two atavans after this last nite! work yesterday was good- we actually learned to do the scanning and stuff that we are hired for--interesting - simple really if you pay attention to the details.i'll go back again today--it will be less crowded once the one gal leaves after next week--but it's doable! we got the "tour" including the old jail-wow--it is from mid 1800's--and wow-also in our lil office there are three big pieces of equipment that are sposed to get sold -they take up major space-ah well.... so today we have an appt with michael's shoulder surgeon--he is in mucho pain like before surgery- not sure what will transpire-prayers are welcome here folks! i had an egg salad sammich for breakfast and am planning on enjoying my coffee before getting dressed.... cheryl-ceedee--where do you get your flax seed bread to toast??sounds yum! has anyone talked to pam wooddell lately?darlene's post about the box is last i had heard.she's on my mind right now. hope all of you are well today-hugs to everyone and prayers if you need em!
Pat R.
on 5/6/08 8:19 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning Margo and all....
I get the Flaxseed bread at Miller's SuperValue here in Sturgis.....it's made by "Healthy Life" and is very reasonable in price....I keep mine in the refrigerator cause I don't eat it very often.

I'm ready to go to the pool - sitting here in my swimsuit and having my Folgers Carmel Truffle Decaf = yummo!

Had another incident of dumping yesterday - they've been a little too frequent lately - guess I'll have to talk with the dietician and/or PA. I ate chicken salad -- only a few bites and I had made it myself. It was only a couple days old, but man did it upset The Kemminator.....back up it came.
Sorry, TMI.

Have a great day!


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Margo M.
on 5/6/08 8:23 pm - Elyria, OH
what kind of "dressing" are ytou using in your chix salad?? maybe too much fat????or--since it came back up maybe not chewing enough????take care!
Pat R.
on 5/6/08 8:43 pm - Sturgis, MI
It was a very small amount of Miracle Whip Lite...and the chix salad was made in the food processor, so it was not chunky.



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Eileen Briesch
on 5/7/08 7:51 am - Evansville, IN
Pat: Check out coffeeam.com for good decaf flavored coffees.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Pat R.
on 5/7/08 10:02 pm - Sturgis, MI
Hey thanks, BUT, at $10/lb. they're a bit pricey for my pocketbook!!


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annette R.
on 5/6/08 8:47 pm - ithaca, NY
Ugh - the price of gas is outrageous. It might be cheaper to buy a goat! One of our cat climbers is a 6 foot tree trunk mounted on a stand. It is next to the sliding doors and at eye level with the humming bird feeder. The hummers don't mind the cats, they seems to know there is glass protecting them. But my furbrats go insane looking at the birds. Only one cat at a time fits on the top perch so it is a constant battle for a ring side seat.   I finally bought a belt. The first in decades and it feels strange. Pants kept sliding down and I didn't want to trip over them.  Time to eat and run to gymnastics. Melanie has learned to ask to go shopping after we stop for breakfast. Starting her young.  Ta ta and have a great day Annette
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Margo M.
on 5/6/08 8:59 pm - Elyria, OH
i had considered the goat idea-serioulsy!!! if ya wanna shop; i need some new-um-shoes! oh wait-that's boo's department!!!! hugs!
on 5/7/08 1:11 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hey Annette, I paid 3.65 for 11 gallons that is 39.00 to fill my tank and my neighbor asks my husband to take her to Walgreens to get her meds. he does and he ends up taking her to 4 walgreens. I told him he wasnt her taxi!!!!!  I fill my tank up to go to work and for me!!!!!! Carla
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